I found this source on my attic. Writing this about 20 years ago. And published to the C64-Mag. I remember I got 50 DM (25 Euro) for this... ...good old days... 10 REM BOULDER DASH 20 : 30 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0:PRINT"hp" 40 :REM INIT 50 PRINT"sqqq" 60 PRINT,"----------------" 70 PRINT,"- BOULDER DASH -" 80 PRINT,"----------------" 90 PRINT"qqq" 100 PRINT"---------------------" 110 PRINT"- SPIELER 0..9 ? -" 120 PRINT"---------------------" 130 PRINT"qq" 135 PRINT"---------------------" 140 PRINT"- ZEIT 0..1 ? -" 145 PRINT"---------------------" 150 PRINT"uuuuuuuuue" 155 PRINT,"jjjjjjj";:POKE204,0 160 GETA$:IFA$<"0"ORA$>"9"THEN160 165 PRINTA$;" " 170 PRINT"qqqq" 175 PRINT,"jjjjjjj";:POKE204,0 180 GETB$:IFB$<"0"ORB$>"1"THEN180 185 PRINTB$;" ":POKE204,1 190 : 200 IFA$="0"THENPOKE34670,169:GOTO220 210 POKE34646,VAL(A$):POKE34752,VAL(A$) 220 IFB$="0"THENPOKE28896,234:POKE28897,234:POKE28898,234 230 SYS35507:END This patched BoulderDash I to have unlimited lives or 1..9 lives and/or to switch off the time limit. HerzAusGold