Chat Room


This is a special page about the chat room of David Michaelis, a frequent visitor of this site, has created an IRC channel at (IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and is an online real-time environment of communication, mainly for group discussions, but it also allows one-to-one communications.) If you would like to discuss with others about my site, you could go there and have a talk. You could talk about whether you like the site or not, but also about your plans to create something new concerning Boulder Dash (or Supaplex, or another clone) with others. I will add everything to this website as long as it is reasonable to add.

Whatever you do there, if you just have a chit-chat or an important discussion, please remain calm and respactable to others. Please don't curse, abuse or offend others in another way. Have fun with it.

Getting Access

In order to get to the chat room you will need an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client. There are many of such programs out there, such as Nettalk, which I will use here as an example.

Install the program and start it. Click on 'Connections' and select 'New IRC connection...'. Now a window appears and in the textbox under 'IP or server name:' you need to type in: ''. Leave the rest of the options what they are and proceed by clicking the 'Next' button. In the next window, you need to fill in your nickname, the name which is displayed while chatting. If you like, you can eventually fill in the text boxes under 'User-ID:' and 'Real name:', but leave the text boxes under 'Password*:' and 'Server password*:' blank. After this, click on 'Next'. The next screen to appear contains a large text field in which you can type in commands. Here you have to write the following down: ' $join #bd-fans'. Check the box 'Start connection' and click on the button 'Complete'. Now you will enter the chat room.

If you want to login automatically each time you start Nettalk, you need to do the following. At the bottom of the chat room screen, you will find the white box in which you can type things. Here type in: '/query NickServ help register'. A new tab will open with instructions about how to register your nickname. Read this and then close the tab by clicking on the cross-mark to the right (under the main program cross-mark). If you want to have a passoword, select the tab 'Server' and right-click on the '' entry and select 'Edit'. Click the 'Next' button and fill in your password if you have chosen one. Click 'Next' and then 'Complete'. Now you are finished!

You can minimize Nettalk to have only an icon in the system tray. When someone answers, the icon will become a red ball from time to time. You can just let the program run on the background to stay available for others to chat to as long as you are online.

Enjoy it and I hope to speak with you soon!

If you know more about a certain game or if you have a new game, new levels, music or whatever, please send it to me and I will put it on this website! You can find my e-mailaddress in the menu to the left.